Esther M. Zimmer Lederberg
Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey 1546: Sonnet XXXIII

The great Macedon, that out of Persie chased
Darius, of whose huge power all Asie rong,
In the rich ark dan Homers rimes he placed,
Who fayned gestes of heathen princes song.
What holy graue? what worthy sepulture
To Wiattes Psalmes should Christians then purchase?
Where he doth paint the liuely faith, and pure,
The stedfast hope, the swete returne to grace
Of iust Dauid, by perfite penitence.
Where rulers may se in a mirrour clere
The bitter frute of false concupiscence :
How Iewry bought Vrias death full dere.
In princes harts gods scourge imprinted depe,
Ought them awake, out of their sinfull slepe.


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